A film by Tristan Cook

Europe’s most popular pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiago attracts wayfarers
of all stripes to walk its ancient paths in search of meaning. One such pilgrim is Dane Johansen, an American cellist who walks the Camino with his instrument on
his back, performing music for his fellow pilgrims along the way.

Accompanied by the vast landscapes of Northern Spain, the haunting music of Bach (performed by Johansen), and the struggles and joys of the many pilgrims encountered along the way, Strangers on the Earth examines the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the journey and the vital role it plays as part of the human experience.

"Opens a window onto a famous Catholic pilgrimage."

-The New York Times

"An inspiring and transporting portrait, captivating and beautifully shot."
-Los Angeles Times

"Transcendent, enlightening, and even occasionally funny."
-NOW Magazine Toronto

"Beautifully filmed. Profound and honest."
-Vancouver Observer

"A soulful riff on the all-too-fleeting rhapsodies of travel.
Beauty-dazed and rapt with a kind of giddy sadness."
-Film Journal

"Europe’s most famous path. Take it, and this marvelous film, at your own pace."
-The Globe and Mail

On iTunes September 25 | On DVD October 2

DVD MSRP: $24.95
Catalog #: FRF 917667D
UPC: 7-20229-91766-7
Run Time - 97 minutes
Language - English
Year - 2017
Genre - Documentary
For press inquiries and screening links contact either:

Kelly Hargraves:

or Juliet Lamond:

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